Log Cabin

Troy historic village Provides a memorable and interactive museum experience for visitors of all ages.
A pioneer’s first shelter was often a crude log shed with a dirt floor and no windows. This cabin is larger, and is in fact bigger than Abraham Lincoln’s childhood home. A settler probably built it after he had cleared his land and harvested some crops. He felled trees then then squared and notched the logs to build a one-room house. Run your finger along his ax marks which are still visible on the rough-hewn logs. He never trimmed away the bark on the ceiling beam.

The 1840s cabin in the Village came from Frenchtown Twp. near Monroe. It was converted into a 3-room rental unit by Matilda and Edward Doederlein in the 1940s. Thirty-four years later, it was sold to the Troy Historical Society which paid for it to be dismantled and relocated to the Village. This photo shows the cabin on its original site as it was being dismantled.

The original hand-hewn logs were reassembled by City of Troy workers. An original bark-covered crossbeam was also reinstalled. The rest of the cabin was completed with new rough-cut lumber. Perma-Chink™, a flexible sealant for log structures, was also installed.